Gaussian Field and SPDE

In this post, we will extend the previous discussion on Gaussian Field to Elliptical SPDE on Euclidean domain and compact Riemannian manifold with no boundaries. This turns out to be the natural way of defining general Gaussian field, which may have non-stationary second order structure, and/or its hyperparameters of the Covariance operator is dependent on spatial locations. Examples for Matérn class of kernels will be provided from Borovitskiy et al. 2020.

Green's function, RKHS and Regularisation

With the spectral perspective of RKHS introduced previously, we now look at a special and important category of reproducing kernels, which is the Green's functions to positive systems of differential equations. We will have examples on the eigenvalue problem for Dirichlet Laplace operator; and also on the Heat equation in Euclidean space. An intuitive generalisation is then provided. Finally, we will discuss informally the extension to discrete differential system and RKHS defined by Hermitian matrices.